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Catholic Master Builders FLL Team #3672

CMB FLL Team Pic 2019.jpg

The Catholic Master Builders are a group of young Lego Maniacs. They have come together to build their Faith, Friendship and Lego Robots. Each year the First Lego League organization sponsors STEM related regional, state, national and international competitions centered around building Lego robots. Teams compete against a themed challenge by completing designated missions on the 4 ft x 8 ft mission board. They also have a project challenge they need to develop and then deliver their innovative solution to the judges. Each of these activities; robot challenge, project research, innovative solution, skit, etc are scored and given awards.


As a community based team, The Catholic Master Builders were 2014 Arizona FLL State Champions in the Skit competition, First place Project Skit award in the Qualifying Tournament for 2015, accomplished overall Champions Award at the 2016 state qualifying tournament and went on to achieve 3rd place Grand Champions award at the 2016-2017 State Tournament. In the 2017 - 2018 season the Catholic Master Builders achieved Champions Award at the FLL State Qualifying Tournament and went on to receive the 2017-2018 FLL State 1st Place Grande Champions Award sending the team on to the 2018 HydroDynamics FLL World Championships in Houston, Texas where they received the 2nd place Innovative Solution award! During the 2018 FLL Season, Into Orbit the Catholic Master Builders achieved the Grand Champions Award at their FLL qualifier sending the team to the 2019 State Tournament at Arizona State University. CMB was awarded 3rd Place Champions and 1st Place (High Score) in the Robot Showcase!


In the FIRST FLL City Shaper they continued to excel  as a team with three returning members and five new members! Heading to their FLL qualifying tournament they won the robot design award which sent them on to the 2019 Arizona FLL State Tournament. There they were overjoyed to receive the 2019-2020 FLL State 1st Place Grande Champions Award sending the team on to the 2020 City Shaper FLL World Championships in Houston, Texas!  This would have been the second opportunity for the Catholic Master Builders FLL team to represent Arizona at World finals in April 2020, but due to a world pandemic, sadly the FIRST World Championships were canceled.


During the 2020 - 2021 Season the Catholic Master Builders FLL Team decided to participate in the remote format. Though this was not the best experience, we wanted to continue sharing our enjoyment of Lego robotics and passion for researching solutions for real world problems! 


In the 2021-2022 season, we found ourselves in need of additional team members. The uncertainty of whether or not there would be in person events with FIRST and the late start of the season, we decided to place our focus on the Catholic Master Builders FIRST Tech Challenge Team.


We are currently in a rebuild year and making plans for the 2022-2023 FIRST FLL season! 


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Catholic Master Builders, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

copyright 2022​

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